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Appah, Clement K. I., Reginald Akuoko Duah and Ọbádélé Kambon. 2017. Akan Noun–Verb Nominal Compounds: The Exocentric Synthetic View.                    Language Sciences  

Duah, Akuoko, E. Kweku Osam and Nana Aba Amfo. 2017. Force Dynamics and Event Types of Causatives in Akan. Cognitive Semantics (accepted).

Grubic, Mira, Agata Renans and Reginald Akuoko Duah. 2017. Focus, Exhaustivity and Existence in Akan, Ga and Ngamo. Linguistics (accepted)

Kambon, Obadele and Reginald Akuoko Duah. 2017. Non-African Linguistics Be Like “This is a New Way to Quote!”. Ghana Journal of Linguistics               (accepted). 

Duah, Reginald Akuoko. 2015. Exhaustive Focus Marking in Akan. In M. Grubic and F. Bildhauer (eds.), Interdisciplinary Studies on Information                        Structure (ISIS) (19), pp. 1-28. Postdam: University of Potsdam.  


Duah, Reginald A. and Sarah Marjie. 2012. Code-Switching in Written Communication: Factors and Motivations. In Lauer, Helen and Joana Boampong              (eds.), Creating in Diversity: Exploring our Differences for Nationhood, pp. 97–121. Accra. Sub-Saharan Publishers.

Osam, E. Kweku & Duah, Reginald Akuoko & Blay, Afua Mbra. 2011. The so-called postpositions in Akan: A reconsideration. Journal of West African              languages, 38 (2): 107-118.

Duah, Reginald A., Abigail Ayiglo and Afua M. Blay. 2010. The Dilemma of African American English Identity: A Case of African Language                             Influence? In Lauer, Helen, Nana Aba Amfo and Jemima Anderson (eds.), Identity Meets Nationality: Voices from the Humanities, pp. 111-135.               Accra: Sub-Saharan Publishers.

Conferences, seminars, workshops

Duah, Reginald Akuoko and Stefan Savić. 2017. Back to the Past: Semantics of Past Time Marking in Akan. A Paper Presented at the 30th WALC and            10th LAG Conference, University of Education, Winneba. 

Amfo, Nana Aba A. and Reginald Akuoko Duah. 2017. Too much Focus on Focus: The Grammatical Status of Focus Particles in Akan, Ga and                        Dangme. A Paper Presented at the 30th WALC and 10th LAG Conference, University of Education, Winneba.

Duah, Reginald A. 2016. Surveying causatives in Kwa. Ms. Department of English Language and Linguistics, Rhodes University, South Africa.

Duah, Reginald A and Priscilla Demi Letsa. 2016. Stugmatizing the solution away: the impact of language on adolescent pregnancy in Ghana. A paper            presented at the 8th Linguistics Association of Ghana Conference, (July 25-28, 2016), Ghana Institute of Language Literacy and Bible                            Translation, Tamale.

Duah, Reginald A. 2016. Exhaustive Interpretation of Focus in Akan. A paper presented at the 47th Annual Conference of African Linguistics (March              23-25, 2016), University of California, Berkeley.

Kambon, Obadele, Celement I. K. Appah and Reginald A. Duah. Serial Verb Nominalization in Akan: The Question of Intervening Elements. A paper              presented at the 47th Annual Conference of African Linguistics (March 23-25, 2016), University of California, Berkeley.

Kambon, Obadele and Reginald A. Duah. 2015. Non-African Linguists Be Like “This is a new way to quote!” A paper presented at the 7th Linguistics            Association of Ghana Conference, (June 13-15, 2015), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi.

Genzel, Susanne and Reginald A. Duah. 2015. H-Tone Insertion on Verbs in na-Focus Sentences and Beyond. A paper presented at the                                     Morphosyntactic Triggers of Tone Workshop (June 12-13, 2015), Universität Leipzig, Germany.

Duah, Reginald A. 2014. Exhaustivity of Focus in Akan. Ms. Department of Linguistics University of Ghana, Legon.

Duah, Reginald A. 2013. Event Types of Causation in Akan. A Paper Presented at the African Linguistics School (June 25, 2013) Ibadan, Nigeria.

Duah, Reginald A. 2012. Causatives in Akan: Coding Mechanisms and Clause Structure. Ms. Department of English Language and Linguistics,                       Rhodes University, South Africa.

Duah, Reginald A. and Samson Korsah 2012. Split Intransitivity in Ga and Akan. A Paper Presented at 5th Linguistics Association of Ghana                           Conference (July 31, 2012), University of Education, Winneba.

Duah, Reginald A. and Obadele Kambon. 2011. On the Structure of Analytic Causatives in Akan. A Paper Presented at the 4th Linguistics Association           of Ghana Conference (August 9, 2011), Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi.

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